HIATUS "Perspective: Uncovering Stigma"
[Expired] 7 - 09 November 2019

[ HIATUS 2019 ]
Dear HIATUS enthusiasts,
The event we have all been waiting for is finally here!
Coming back with 'Perspective: Uncovering Stigma' as our grand theme, we are ready to present to you a new way to uncover the existing stigma in our society through our memorable event which revolves around the beauty of music, movies, and art. Are you curious?
Come and join us
📆 : November 7th-9th, 2019
😠: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM
🎤 Kurosuke
🎤 Oscar Lolang
🎬 27 Steps of May
🎬 Nyanyian Akar Rumput
🎬 Tilik
🎬 Gejog
and many more!
with 26 artists delivering the theme through magnificent artworks🎨.
What are you waiting for? Make sure you save the date and join us!
P.s. the event is FREE OF CHARGE and everyone is welcomed!✨
Designed by: @fa_thom
Stay tuned in our social media for more updates!
OA Line: @duk0003j
Instagram: @hiatusugm
#HIATUS2019 #HIArtAndMusicFestival2019 #UGM2019